Block A- printmaking

Paper Lithography

Photo Montage is when you collage 2 images to create a new image to convey a message or just for fun. after making the photo montage we photocopy it and use this as my paper lithography plate, it works because the grease on the black of the photocopy catches the ink and when we do this process we use something called gum arabic which seeps into the white so its easy to wipe the ink off.
To start my tutor gave us all various good quality pictures/ photgraphs (we need good quality black and white pictures for the paper lithography to work) i let my imagination go wild in this task to makes some interesting compositions to be introduced to this new technqiue
My paper lithography came out very well we used black and red because we didn't want to get to variations when it was a practice run. we had some hiccups with the technique because the paper we used to photocopy was not liking the ink and the ink was becoming streaky and was coming off the black. personally in the end this was a rewarding technique however it did take time to get use to it.

Inspiration : Deborah Sheedy

I wanted to do work inspired by Deborah Sheedy, personally I wanted to create something quite creepy or out of focused.  I really wanted to put a fine art twist in this by painting my photomontages then phototcoping these.
Deborah Sheedy has this double vision look that i want to convey.



 This is my first final i was inspired by deborah sheedy with the double person effect. i think this print was successful because even though the left front is quite ghostly i think it works very well.
 photocopy isn't as good as the original.
The pattern between  2 faces really compliments it and adds an edge, otherwise the print would look to minimalistic, i needed to add a lil something.
This was my favourite from my collection of prints it was a very successful portrait/ paper litho and i added my twist with the flowers, after i finished this project i added onto the original with white acrylic because personal it was to blocky.
